Despite some of us having less time to contribute during the last month, we are happy to announce our
delite and deliteful 0.4.0 releases.
Among the new features or enhancements of this release you will find:
- various enhancements related to dropdown and popups
- a new
event is fired when a custom element is attached to the DOM, this typically allows
another custom element to be notified of the upgrade of an element into custom element and its availability.
- a ResponsiveColumns container
- a data source custom element: Store
- a preview of a new ComboBox custom element, to be completed in next release.
- a brand new version of the tutorial
There are quite a lot of other things in those releases. I will let you checkout the details of the
delite release notes and in particular the various
renamings that might trigger incompatibilities if you already built some elements on top of 0.3.0 release. A notable
one is the delite/css
AMD plugin for loading CSS that has been moved to the
requirejs-dplugins project where some other AMD plugins like has
or i18n
already available. This means any use of delite/css
must be changed to requirejs-dplugins/css
Also as mentioned in my previous post we now have pre-built versions available
as well. The change that happened in this milestone is that instead of loading a boot
module for the built version
you have to load the layer
module. The following code will load the built version and then gives you the ability to
load the actual modules you are using in your application:
require["deliteful-build/layer", function (layer) {
require(["deliteful/Toaster", "requirejs-dplugins/domReady!"], function (Toaster) {
var toaster = new Toaster();
In the next release, hopefully coming end of November, we hope to stabilize some of the work introduced in 0.4.0,
in particular around ComboBox (see deliteful issue #366 to #371)
as well as add some new features like a swapable view.
We just released 0.3.0 versions of both delite and deliteful projects.
We managed to get in there most of what was initially planned, this includes in particular:
- update to store management to use latest release of dstore
- first draft deliteful tutorial available here
- new custom elements including CheckBox, Switch, Toggle and Radio
- lots of fixes around delite templating & popup management
- add support for internal containerNode to delite/Container
- use of Intern 2.0.1 for deliteful unit & functional testing
- API doc is now available for delite and deliteful as well as for decor
A couple of weeks ago we released our first public milestones of both delite and deliteful.
Those first milestones do include:
- delite custom element architecture in particular our CustomElement implementation as well as our
extensions for UI Widgets
- delite AMD plugins for managing CSS & themes
- delite base classes to help you build your own custom elements including: KeyNav for keyboard navigation,
Scrollable for scrolling capabilities, Selection for selection management,
Store and StoreMap for data store management.
- Button, ProgressBar,
ProgressIndicator, Select,
StarRating, Toaster and
List custom elements
- LinearLayout, ScrollableContainer,
SidePane, and ViewStack custom containers
We are now working towards the 0.3.0 milestone which is expected mid-September.
This new release will include the following improvements compare to 0.2.0:
During the last months (nearly a year actually!), in addition to our Dojo Toolkit
contributions, we have been working on two Web Components related open source
projects. Now you might say, "well, Web Components are just standards, Polymer is already
providing polyfill implementations for those standards, so why should I bother looking into some other projects in that area?"
This post is here to try answer that question by laying out the foundations of our projects and how they relate and
differentiate from other projects out there. I hope this will answer questions you might have and raise your interest!
The first project, delite, is all about UI core infrastructure. The idea behind it is that
Web Components are definitely the way to go to build UI for the Web and that for this reason they must be adopted
for delite, but that there is also room for innovation around or on top of the Web Components themselves and that care
must be taken on how the standards must be adopted.