
delite/Selection is a delite/Widget subclass which adds the ability for a widget to manage the selection state of its internal items.

This is typically used in conjunction with delite/StoreMap to manage the selection of the data or render items created by the store mixin.

Table of Contents

Using Selection
Extending Selection

Using Selection

A widget extending delite/Selection can choose several selection modes through the selectionMode property:

Note that this mode does not impact selection by the selectedItem(s) APIs which are always available and always allow several items to be selected. If you want to restrict selection by those APIs you have to make sure code calling the selection method is doing that accordingly to the selectionMode or to specialize delite/Selection for that purpose.

Once a selection mode has been set there are three ways to modify the selection on the instance:

You can know the selection state by querying either:

Extending Selection

In order for a widget to leverage delite/Selection it must extend it and implement the getIdentity() and updateRenderers() functions as follows:

require(["delite/register", "delite/Selection", "delite/StoreMap"/*, ...*/], 
  function (register, Widget, Selection, StoreMap/*, ...*/) {
  return register("my-widget", [HTMElement, Selection, StoreMap], {
    labelAttr: "label",
    preRender: function () {
      this._childHash = {};
    refreshRendering: function (props) {
      if ("renderItems" in props) {
        // render item has changed, do something to reflect that in the rendering
        this.innerHTML = "";
        for (var i = 0; i < renderItems.length; i++) {
          var child = this.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
          child.innerText = renderItems[i].label;
          this._childHash[renderItems[i].id] = child;
    getIdentity: function (item) {
    updateRenderers: function (items) {
      for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
        var child = this._childHash[this.getIdentity(items[i])];
        var selected = this.isSelected(items[i]);
        if (selected) {
          child.setAttribute("class", "selected");
        } else {
          child.setAttribute("class", "");

The getIdentity() function is in charge of returning a unique identifier for an item to be selected. The updateRenderers() function is in charge of updating the visual rendering in the DOM based on whether the passed item are selected or not. Only items for which the selection state has changed are passed to this function. It is possible to check whether an item is selected or not by calling the isSelected() function on the selection instance.

If the widget provides a user interaction that leads to select some items, the implementation should call the selectFromEvent() function in order to update the selection and propagate the notification accordingly.

require(["delite/register", "delite/Selection", "delite/StoreMap"/*, ...*/], 
  function (register, Widget, Selection/*, ...*/) {
  return register("my-widget", [HTMElement, Selection, StoreMap], {
    clickHandler: function (event) {
      // get the DOM Node and the corresponding item at the place where the click event occured
      /* var renderer = ...; var item = ... */ 
      this.selectFromEvent(event, item, render, true);

Optionally, the subclass can redefine the hasSelectionModifier() function to change the pattern that triggers single and multiple selection in selectFromEvent().


The delite/Selection class provides the following events:

event name dispatched cancelable bubbles properties
selection-change after selection has been modified trough user interaction No No
  • oldValue: the old selected item
  • newValue: the new selected item
  • renderer: the DOM node on which the selection action occurred
  • triggerEvent: the event that lead to the selection event