
deliteful/Combobox is a form-aware and store-aware widget leveraging the deliteful/list/List widget for displaying the list of options.

Main features: * Allows to benefit from the customization mechanism of the list item rendering. * Provides single and multiple selection modes. * Provides optional interactive filtering of list of options (single selection mode only). * Multichannel rendering.

Example of deliteful/Combobox (single choice mode, on desktop browser):

Example of Combobox (single choice mode)

Example of deliteful/Combobox (multiple choice mode, on mobile browser):

Example of Combobox (multiple choice mode)

Table of Contents

Element Instantiation
Using Combobox
Element Styling
Enterprise Use

Element Instantiation

For details on the instantiation lifecycle, see delite/Widget.

Declarative Instantiation

require(["delite/register", "deliteful/Store",
  "deliteful/Combobox", "requirejs-domready/domReady!"],
  function (register) {
    <d-list store="store"></d-list>
  <d-store id="store">
    { "label": "France", ... },

Programmatic Instantiation

require(["delite/register", "dstore/Memory", "dstore/Trackable",
         "deliteful/Combobox", "deliteful/list/List",
  function (register, Memory, Trackable, Combobox, List) {
    // Create the store
    var dataStore = new (Memory.createSubclass(Trackable))({});
    // Add options
    // Create the List
    var list = new List({store: dataStore, ...});
    // Create the Combobox
    var Combobox = new Combobox({list: list, selectionMode: "multiple"});

Note that the list property is set by default to a newly created instance of deliteful/list/List. Hence, applications can write:

    var combobox = new Combobox();
    // Create the store = ...;

Using Combobox


The widget provides two selection modes through the selectionMode property: "single" (only one option can be selected at a time) and "multiple" (one or more options can be selected).

Options can be selected programmatically using the selectedItem property (or, for multiple selection mode, selectedItems) inherited from delite/Selection.

Auto Filtering

In single selection mode, if the property autoFilter is set to true (default is false) the widget allows to type one or more characters which are used for filtering the list of shown list items. By default, the filtering is case-insensitive, and an item is shown if its label contains the entered string.

The default filtering policy can be customized using the filterMode and ignoreCase properties.

The valid values of filterMode are:

The matching is case insensitive by default. Setting ignoreCase to false turns it case sensitive.

The filtering is performed by the filter(fitlerTxt) method, which is called automatically while the user types into the editable input element, with filterTxt being the currently entered text. The default implementation of this method uses dstore/Filter.match(). The matching is performed against the list.labelAttr attribute of the data store items. The method can be overridden for implementing other filtering strategies.

Attribute Mapping

The customization of the mapping of data store item attributes into render item attributes can be done on the List instance using the mapping API of deliteful/list/List, as supported by its superclass delite/StoreMap.

See the delite/StoreMap documentation for more information about the available mapping options, and the section Store capabilities of List's documentation.

Multichannel rendering

The widget provides multichannel rendering: the popup is displayed on large screens (desktop-like) below/above the main element, while on small and medium screens (phone-like and tablet-like), to optimize the usage of the available space, the popup is displayed in a centered overlay (an instance of deliteful/Combobox/ComboPopup is used in this case).

The channel is controlled by the value of the has() channel flags set by deliteful/features using CSS media queries depending on the screen size. See the deliteful/features documentation for information about how to configure the channel. Also, see the deliteful/channelBreakpoints documentation for information about how to customize the values of the screen size breakpoints used by the media queries.

Value and form support

The widget supports the following form-related properties: value, name, disabled and alt, inherited from delite/FormWidget, and readOnly inherited from delite/FormValueWidget. When used in an HTML form, the submitted value is the one stored in the value property of the widget. By default, the label field of the List's render items is used as value of the option. If the value needs to be different than the label, an attribute mapping needs to be set for value on the List instance, for example:

  // Create the store
  var dataStoreWithValue = new Memory({idProperty: "label",
    data: [
        { label: "France", value: "FR" },
        { label: "Germany", value: "DE" },
    // Create the List and set valueAttr to specify the name of the field
    // which stores the value of the item (valueFunc can also be used
    // for dynamically computed values)
    var list = new List({store: dataStoreWithValue, valueAttr: "value", ...});
    // Create the Combobox
    var combobox = new Combobox({list: list, ...});

or in markup:

    <d-list store="storeWithValue" valueAttr="value"></d-list>
  <d-store id="storeWithValue">
    { "label": "France", "value": "FR" },

If no mapping is specified for value, the label is used as value (itself subject to attribute mapping using List.labelAttr or List.labelFunc).

In single selection mode, the widget value is the value of the selected option. In multiple selection mode, the widget value is an array containing the values of the selected options.

Element Styling

Supported themes

This widget provides default styling for the following delite theme:

CSS Classes

CSS classes are bound to the structure of the widget declared in its template deliteful/Combobox/Combobox.html. The following table lists the CSS classes that can be used to style the Combobox widget.

Class name/selector Applies to
d-combobox Combobox widget root node.
d-combobox-input The native <input> nodes used by the Combobox widget.
d-combobox-list The List widget displayed inside the popup.
d-combo-ok-button The OK button used in some cases inside the popup.
d-combo-cancel-button The Cancel button used in some cases inside the popup.

Enterprise Use


type status comment
Keyboard ok For details, see below this table.
Visual Formatting ok Tested for high constrast and browser zoom (200%), in IE and Firefox.
Screen Reader ok Tested on JAWS 15 and iOS VoiceOver.

Keyboard navigation details: * DOWN arrow opens the focused combobox. * In single selection mode: * UP and DOWN arrows select the next, respectively the previous option. * RETURN and ESCAPE validate the change. * In multiple selection mode: * UP and DOWN arrows navigate to the next, respectively the previous option. * SPACE toggles the selected state of the currently navigated option. * RETURN and ESCAPE validate the change.


deliteful/Combobox provides an internationalizable bundle that contains the following messages:

Key Role
"multiple-choice" Text written in the combo in multiple selection mode if more than one item is selected.
"multiple-choice-no-selection" Text written in the combo in multiple selection mode if no item is selected.
"search-placeholder" Set as placeholder attribute of the input element used for filtering the list of options.
"ok-button-label" The label of the OK button used for multiple selection mode on mobile.
"cancel-button-label" The label of the Cancel button used for multiple selection mode on mobile.

The first 3 strings in the table above are used as default values for the widget properties multipleChoiceMsg, multipleChoiceNoSelectionMsg, and respectively searchPlaceHolder. To customize these strings on a per-widget basis, set directly these properties.

Right to left orientation is supported by setting the dir attribute to rtl on the widget.


This class has no specific security concern.

Browser Support

This class supports all supported browsers.