
delite/DisplayContainer is a delite/Container subclass which adds the ability for the container to manage the appearance of its children.

Table of Contents

Using DisplayContainer
Extending DisplayContainer
Writing a Controller for DisplayContainer

Using DisplayContainer

On a container extending delite/DisplayContainer one can trigger the visibility of a particular child by calling the show() function. Conversely one can make sure a particular child is hidden by calling the hide() function. By default the display container will just show or hide the child. However subclasses can implement particular transition effects in order to transition from one visibility state to another. For this reason both functions managing the visibility return a Promise that will be resolved when the transition is finished. Also both accept the same parameters:"mychildid", {/* optional params depending on the subclass */}).then(function() {
  // promise has been resolved, the child is now visible

Extending DisplayContainer

In order for a container to leverage delite/DisplayContainer it must extend it and possibly implement the changeDisplay() and/or loadChild() functions in order to customize their behavior. The following subclass is looking at the parameters passed to the show() or hide() function in order to perform a visual transition when switching the child visibility. In particular it performs a fading in or out transition based on the value of the fade parameter.

require(["delite/register", "delite/DisplayContainer", "requirejs-dplugins/Promise!"/*, ...*/],
  function (register, DisplayContainer, Promise/*, ...*/) {
  return register("my-container", [HTMElement, DisplayContainer], {
    changeDisplay: dcl.superCall(function(sup) {
      return function (widget, params) {
        return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
          if (params.fade === "in") {
            // if there is a parameter telling us to do a fade in let's do it
            $(widget).fadeIn(1000, function() {
          sup.apply(this, arguments);
          if (params.fade === "out") {
            // if there is a parameter telling us to do a fade in let's do it by setting corresponding CSS class
            $(widget).fadeIn(1000, function() {

Note that as the function performs an asynchronous action it returns a promise that will be resolved once the action is completed.

One can trigger a fade in this way:, { fade : "in" });


The delite/DisplayContainer class provides the following events:

event name dispatched cancelable bubbles properties
delite-display-load on any show or hide action True True
  • dest: the reference of the child to load
  • setChild: method to set child info, a value like {child: Element}, or Promise for child info
  • hide: set to true if in a hide action
  • any other param passed to the show or hide function
delite-before-show just before a child is shown False True
  • dest: the reference of the loaded child
  • child: the child to show
  • any other param passed to the show function
delite-after-show after a child has been shown False True
  • dest: the reference of the loaded child
  • child: the child that has been shown
  • any other param passed to the show function
delite-before-hide just before a child is hidden False True
  • dest: the reference of the loaded child
  • child: the child to hide
  • any other param passed to the hide function
delite-after-hide after a child has been hidden False True
  • dest: the reference of the loaded child
  • child: the child that has been hidden
  • any other param passed to the hide function

Writing a Controller for DisplayContainer

An application framework such as dapp can setup a controller to listen to events from delite/DisplayContainer and provide alternate/customized features.

In the following example the controller is listening to delite-display-load event in order to load a child defined in an external HTML file:

require(["delite/register", "delite/DisplayContainer", "dojo/request"/*, ...*/], 
  function (register, DisplayContainer, request/*, ...*/) {
  document.addEventListener("delite-display-load", function(event) {
     event.setChild(function (resolve, reject) {
      // build a file name from the destination
      request(event.dest+".html", function (data) {
         // build a child from the data in the file
         var child = a_parse_function(data);
         // resolve with the child
         resolve({ child: child });

In order to notify delite/DisplayContainer that the controller is handling child loading, the controller must call the event's setChild() method, passing in either a value or a promise for the value. The value is of the form {child: HTMLElement}.