Module: deliteful/features


This module leverages requirejs-dplugins/has and sets has() flags that can be used by multichannel widgets to determine the required channel:

  • has("phone-like-channel"): true for small screens, false otherwise.
  • has("tablet-like-channel"): true for medium screens, false otherwise.
  • has("desktop-like-channel"): true for large screens, false otherwise.

These flags are set depending on the screen size, using CSS media queries that compare the actual screen width (the device-width media feature) with the corresponding breakpoint values provided by deliteful/channelBreakpoints.

Note that the screen size is the only criteria used for determining the channel. When a channel flag is set to true, the other channel flags are set to false.

The default values of the breakpoints can be configured using require.config(). For details, see the documentation of deliteful/channelBreakpoints.

The channel can be configured statically using require.config(), for instance:

  // configuring RequireJS
    config: {
      "requirejs-dplugins/has": {
        "phone-like-channel": false,
        "tablet-like-channel": true,
        "desktop-like-channel": false,

Note that only one channel flag should be set to true.

The module returns the has() function returned by the module requirejs-dplugins/has.

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