Source: deliteful/channelBreakpoints.js

/** @module deliteful/channelBreakpoints */
	function (module) {
	var config = module.config();
	 * This module returns an object containing properties that define values for breakpoints
	 * of CSS media queries based on screen size:
	 * - `smallScreen`: defines the screen size limit between phone-like and tablet-like
	 * channels.
	 * - `mediumScreen`: defines the screen size limit between tablet-like and desktop-like
	 * channels.
	 * The values of the breakpoints are used by CSS media queries of `deliteful/features`
	 * for setting the `has()`-flags `"phone-like-channel"`, `"tablet-like-channel"`, and
	 * `"desktop-like-channel"`.
	 * The default values of the breakpoints can be configured using `require.config()`,
	 * for instance:
	 * ```html
	 * <script>
	 *   // configuring RequireJS
	 *   require.config({
	 *     ...
	 *     config: {
	 *       "deliteful/channelBreakpoints": {
	 *         smallScreen: "280px",
	 *         mediumScreen: "724px"
	 *       }
	 *     }
	 *   });
	 * </script>
	 * ```
	 * @module deliteful/channelBreakpoints
	return /** @lends module:deliteful/channelBreakpoints# */ {
		 * The maximum screen size value for small screens.
		 * Used as breakpoint by a CSS media query of `deliteful/features` as screen size
		 * threshold between the phone-like and the tablet-like channels.
		 * @member {string}
		 * @default "480px"
		smallScreen: config.smallScreen || "480px",
		 * The maximum screen size value for medium screens.
		 * Used as breakpoint by a CSS media query of `deliteful/features` as screen size
		 * threshold between the tablet-like and the desktop-like channels.
		 * @member {string}
		 * @default "1024px"
		mediumScreen: config.mediumScreen || "1024px"