Source: deliteful/list/List.js

/** @module deliteful/list/List */
], function (dcl, register, $, CustomElement,
		Selection, KeyNav, StoreMap, Scrollable, ItemRenderer, CategoryRenderer, LoadingPanel) {

	 * A widget that renders a scrollable list of items.
	 * The List widget renders a scrollable list of items that are retrieved from a Store.
	 * Its custom element tag is `d-list`.
	 * See the {@link user documentation}
	 * for more details.
	 * @class module:deliteful/list/List
	 * @augments module:delite/Selection
	 * @augments module:delite/KeyNav
	 * @augments module:delite/StoreMap
	 * @augments module:delite/Scrollable

	return register("d-list", [HTMLElement, Selection, KeyNav, StoreMap, Scrollable],
			/** @lends module:deliteful/list/List# */ {

		 * Dojo object store that contains the items to render in the list.
		 * If no value is provided for this attribute, the List will initialize
		 * it with an internal store implementation. Note that this internal store
		 * implementation ignores any query options and returns all the items from
		 * the store, in the order they were added to the store.
		 * @member {module:dstore/Store} module:deliteful/list/List#store
		 * @default null

		 * Query to pass to the store to retrieve the items to render in the list.
		 * @member {Object} module:deliteful/list/List#query
		 * @default {}

		 * The widget class to use to render list items.
		 *	It MUST extend {@link module:deliteful/list/ItemRenderer deliteful/list/ItemRenderer}.
		 * @member {module:deliteful/list/ItemRenderer}
		 * @default module:deliteful/list/ItemRenderer
		itemRenderer: ItemRenderer,

		 * The widget class to use to render category headers when the list items are categorized.
		 * It MUST extend {@link module:deliteful/list/CategoryRenderer deliteful/list/CategoryRenderer}.
		 * @member {module:deliteful/list/CategoryRenderer}
		 * @default module:deliteful/list/CategoryRenderer
		categoryRenderer: CategoryRenderer,

		 * Default mapping between the attribute of the item retrieved from the store
		 * and the label attribute expected by the default renderer
		 * @member {string}
		 * @default "label"
		labelAttr: "label",

		 * Default mapping between the attribute of the item retrieved from the store
		 * and the icon attribute expected by the default renderer
		 * @member {string}
		 * @default "iconclass"
		iconclassAttr: "iconclass",

		 * Default mapping between the attribute of the item retrieved from the store
		 * and the righttext attribute expected by the default renderer
		 * @member {string}
		 * @default "righttext"
		righttextAttr: "righttext",

		 * Default mapping between the attribute of the item retrieved from the store
		 * and the righticon attribute expected by the default renderer
		 * @member {string}
		 * @default "righticonclass"
		righticonclassAttr: "righticonclass",

		 * Name of the list item attribute that define the category of a list item.
		 * If falsy and categoryFunc is also falsy, the list is not categorized.
		 * @member {string}
		 * @default ""
		categoryAttr: "",

		 * A function (or the name of a function) that extracts the category of a list item
		 * from the following input parameters:
		 * - `item`: the list item from the store
		 * - `store`: the store
		 * If falsy and `categoryAttr` is also falsy, the list is not categorized.
		 * see {@link module:delite/StoreMap delite/StoreMap}
		 * @member
		 * @default null
		categoryFunc: null,

		 *	The base class that defines the style of the list.
		 * Available values are:
		 * - `"d-list"` (default): render a list with no rounded corners and no left and right margins;
		 * - `"d-round-rect-list"`: render a list with rounded corners and left and right margins.
		 * @member {string}
		 * @default "d-list"
		baseClass: "d-list",

		// By default, letter search is one character only, so that it does not interfere with pressing
		// the SPACE key to (de)select an item.
		multiCharSearchDuration: 0,

		setAttribute: dcl.superCall(function (sup) {
			return function (attr, value) {
				sup.apply(this, arguments);
				if (attr === "role") {

		 * Defines the scroll direction: `"vertical"` for a scrollable List, `"none"` for a non scrollable List.
		 * @member {string} module:deliteful/list/List#scrollDirection
		 * @default "vertical"
		_setScrollDirectionAttr: function (value) {
			if (value !== "vertical" && value !== "none") {
				throw new TypeError("'"
						+ value
						+ "' not supported for scrollDirection, keeping the previous value of '"
						+ this.scrollDirection
						+ "'");
			} else {
				this._set("scrollDirection", value);

		 * Defines the selection mode: `"none"` (not allowed if `role=listbox`), `"radio"`, `"single"`
		 *  or `"multiple"`.
		 * @member {string} module:deliteful/list/List#selectionMode
		 * @default "none", or "single" if `role=listbox`.
		_setSelectionModeAttr: dcl.superCall(function (sup) {
			return function (value) {
				if (this.getAttribute("role") === "listbox" && value === "none") {
					throw new TypeError("selectionMode 'none' is invalid for an aria listbox, "
							+ "keeping the previous value of '" + this.selectionMode + "'");
				} else {
					sup.apply(this, arguments);

		 * The selection mode for list items (see {@link module:delite/Selection delite/Selection}).
		 * @member {string}
		 * @default "none"
		selectionMode: "none",

		 * Optional message to display, with a progress indicator, when
		 * the list is loading its content.
		 * @member {string}
		 * @default ""
		loadingMessage: "",

		// CSS classes internally referenced by the List widget
		_cssClasses: {
			cell: "d-list-cell",
			selected: "d-selected",
			selectable: "d-selectable",
			multiselectable: "d-multiselectable"

		 * A panel that hides the content of the widget when shown, and displays a progress indicator
		 * and an optional message.
		 * @member {module:deliteful/list/_LoadingPanel} module:deliteful/list/List#_loadingPanel
		 * @private

		 * Handle for the selection click event handler
		 * @member {Function} module:deliteful/list/List#_selectionClickHandle
		 * @private

		 * Previous focus child before the list loose focus
		 * @member {Element} module:deliteful/list/List#_previousFocusedChild
		 * @private
		 * Flag set to a truthy value once the items have been loaded from the store
		 * @member {boolean} module:deliteful/list/List#_dataLoaded
		 * @private

		render: function () {
			// Aria attributes
			var currentRole = this.getAttribute("role");
			if (currentRole) {
			} else {
				this.setAttribute("role", "grid");
			// Might be overriden at the cell (renderer renderNode) level when developing custom renderers
			this.setAttribute("aria-readonly", "true");

		attachedCallback: dcl.superCall(function (sup) {
			return function () {
				//	Using dcl.superCall() to break the default dcl.chainAfter() chaining
				//  so that this code runs before StoreMap.attachedCallback()
				// search for custom elements to populate the store
				this._setBusy(true, true);
				this.on("query-error", function () { this._setBusy(false, true); }.bind(this));;

		refreshRendering: function (props) {
			//	List attributes have been updated.
			/*jshint maxcomplexity:11*/
			if ("selectionMode" in props) {
				// Update aria attributes
				if (this.selectionMode === "none") {
					// update aria-selected attribute on unselected items
					for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
						var child = this.children[i];
						if (child.renderNode // no renderNode for the loading panel child
							&& child.renderNode.hasAttribute("aria-selected")) {
				} else {
					if (this.selectionMode === "single" || this.selectionMode === "radio") {
					} else {
						this.setAttribute("aria-multiselectable", "true");
					// update aria-selected attribute on unselected items
					for (i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
						child = this.children[i];
						if (child.tagName.toLowerCase() === this.itemRenderer.tag
								&& child.renderNode // no renderNode for the loading panel child
								&& !child.renderNode.hasAttribute("aria-selected")) {
							child.renderNode.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false");
							$(child).removeClass(this._cssClasses.selected); // TODO: NOT NEEDED ?
		/*jshint maxcomplexity:10*/

		computeProperties: function (props) {
			//	List attributes have been updated.
			/*jshint maxcomplexity:12*/
			if ("selectionMode" in props) {
				if (this.selectionMode === "none") {
					if (this._selectionClickHandle) {
						this._selectionClickHandle = null;
				} else {
					if (!this._selectionClickHandle) {
						this._selectionClickHandle = this.on("click", this.handleSelection.bind(this));
			if ("itemRenderer" in props
				|| (this._isCategorized()
						&& ("categoryAttr" in props || "categoryFunc" in props || "categoryRenderer" in props))) {
				if (this._dataLoaded) {
					this._setBusy(true, true);

					// trigger a reload of the list

		destroy: function () {
			// Remove reference to the list in the default store
			if (this.source && this.source.list) {
				this.source.list = null;

		deliver: dcl.superCall(function (sup) {
			return function () {
				// Deliver pending changes to the list and its renderers
				sup.apply(this, arguments);
				var renderers = this.querySelectorAll(this.itemRenderer.tag + ", " + this.categoryRenderer.tag);
				for (var i = 0; i < renderers.length; i++) {

		//////////// Public methods ///////////////////////////////////////

		 * Returns the item renderers displayed by the list.
		 * @returns {NodeList}
		getItemRenderers: function () {
			return this.querySelectorAll(this.itemRenderer.tag);

		 *	Returns the renderer currently displaying an item with a specific id, or
		 * null if there is no renderer displaying an item with this id.
		 * @param {Object} id The id of the item displayed by the renderer.
		 * @returns {module:deliteful/list/Renderer}
		getRendererByItemId: function (id) {
			var renderers = this.getItemRenderers();
			for (var i = 0; i < renderers.length; i++) {
				var renderer = renderers.item(i);
				if (this.getIdentity(renderer.item) === id) {
					return renderer;
			return null;

		 * Returns the item renderer at a specific index in the List, or null if there is no
		 * renderer at this index.
		 * @param {number} index The item renderer at the index (first item renderer index is 0).
		 * @returns {module:deliteful/list/ItemRenderer}
		getItemRendererByIndex: function (index) {
			return index >= 0 ? this.getItemRenderers().item(index) : null;

		 * Returns the index of an item renderer in the List, or -1 if
		 * the item renderer is not found in the list.
		 * @param {Object} renderer The item renderer.
		 * @returns {number}
		getItemRendererIndex: function (renderer) {
			var result = -1;
			if (renderer.item) {
				var id = this.getIdentity(renderer.item);
				var nodeList = this.getItemRenderers();
				for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) {
					var currentRenderer = nodeList.item(i);
					if (this.getIdentity(currentRenderer.item) === id) {
						result = i;
			return result;

		 * Returns the renderer enclosing a dom node, or null
		 * if there is none.
		 * @param {Element} node The dom node.
		 * @returns {module:deliteful/list/Renderer}
		getEnclosingRenderer: function (node) {
			var currentNode = node;
			while (currentNode) {
				if (currentNode.parentNode && currentNode.parentNode === this) {
				currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;
			return currentNode;

		//////////// delite/Selection implementation ///////////////////////////////////////

		 * Updates renderers when the selection has changed.
		 * @param {Object[]} items The items which renderers must be updated.
		 * @protected
		updateRenderers: function (items) {
			if (this.selectionMode !== "none") {
				for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
					var currentItem = items[i];
					var renderer = this.getRendererByItemId(this.getIdentity(currentItem));
					if (renderer) {
						var itemSelected = !!this.isSelected(currentItem);
						renderer.renderNode.setAttribute("aria-selected", itemSelected ? "true" : "false");
						$(renderer).toggleClass(this._cssClasses.selected, itemSelected);

		 * Always returns true so that no keyboard modifier is needed when selecting / deselecting items.
		 * @param {Event} event
		 * @return {boolean}
		 * @protected
		hasSelectionModifier: function (/*jshint unused: vars*/event) {
			return true;

		 * Event handler that performs items (de)selection.
		 * @param {Event} event The event the handler was called for.
		 * @returns {boolean} `true` if the event has been handled, that is if the
		 *    event target has an enclosing item renderer. Returns `false` otherwise.
		 * @protected
		handleSelection: function (/*Event*/event) {
			var eventRenderer = this.getEnclosingRenderer(;
			if (eventRenderer) {
				if (!this.isCategoryRenderer(eventRenderer)) {
					this.selectFromEvent(event, eventRenderer.item, eventRenderer, true);
				return true;
			return false;

		//////////// Private methods ///////////////////////////////////////

		/*jshint maxcomplexity:12*/
		_applyRole: function (role) {
			if (role === "listbox") {
				// TODO: also this codes work specifically when switching between grid and listbox.
				//       If we're going to support list, we'll need something a little different
				var nodes = this.querySelectorAll(".d-list-cell[role='gridcell']");
				for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
					nodes[i].setAttribute("role", "option");
				nodes = this.querySelectorAll(".d-list-item[role='row']");
				for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
				if (this._isCategorized()) {
					nodes = this.querySelectorAll(".d-list-category[role='row']");
					for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
			} else {
				nodes = this.querySelectorAll(".d-list-cell[role='option']");
				for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
					nodes[i].setAttribute("role", "gridcell");
				nodes = this.getItemRenderers();
				for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
					nodes[i].setAttribute("role", "row");
				if (this._isCategorized()) {
					nodes = this.querySelectorAll(".d-list-category");
					for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
						nodes[i].setAttribute("role", "row");
		/*jshint maxcomplexity:10*/

		 * Sets the "busy" status of the widget.
		 * @param {boolean} status true if the list is busy loading and rendering its data.
		 * false otherwise.
		 * @param {boolean} hideContent true if the list should hide its content when it is busy,
		 * false otherwise
		 * @private
		_setBusy: function (status, hideContent) {
			if (status) {
				this.setAttribute("aria-busy", "true");
				if (hideContent) {
			} else {

		 * Shows the loading panel
		 * @private
		_showLoadingPanel: function () {
			if (!this._loadingPanel) {
				this._loadingPanel = new LoadingPanel({message: this.loadingMessage});
				if (this.children[0] !== undefined) {
					this.insertBefore(this._loadingPanel, this.children[0]);
				} else {

		 * Hides the loading panel
		 * @private
		_hideLoadingPanel: function () {
			if (this._loadingPanel) {
				this._loadingPanel = null;

		 * Returns whether the list is categorized or not.
		 * @private
		_isCategorized: function () {
			return this.categoryAttr || this.categoryFunc;

		 * Destroys all children of the list and empty it
		 * @private
		_empty: function () {
			this.findCustomElements(this).forEach(function (w) {
				if (w.destroy) {
			this.innerHTML = "";
			this._previousFocusedChild = null;

		//////////// Renderers life cycle ///////////////////////////////////////

		 * Renders new items within the list widget.
		 * @param {Object[]} items The new items to render.
		 * @param {boolean} atTheTop If true, the new items are rendered at the top of the list.
		 * If false, they are rendered at the bottom of the list.
		 * @private
		_renderNewItems: function (/*Array*/ items, /*boolean*/atTheTop) {
			if (!this.firstElementChild || this.firstElementChild === this._loadingPanel) {
				this.appendChild(this._createRenderers(items, 0, items.length, null));
			} else {
				if (atTheTop) {
					if (this._isCategorized()) {
						var firstRenderer = this._getFirstRenderer();
						if (this.isCategoryRenderer(firstRenderer)
								&& items[items.length - 1].category === firstRenderer.item.category) {
							// Remove the category renderer on top before adding the new items
					this.insertBefore(this._createRenderers(items, 0, items.length, null),
				} else {
					this.appendChild(this._createRenderers(items, 0, items.length,
			// start renderers
			this.findCustomElements(this).forEach(function (w) {

		 * Creates renderers for a list of items (including the category renderers if the list
		 * is categorized).
		 * @param {Object[]} items Array An array that contains the items to create renderers for.
		 * @param {number} fromIndex The index of the first item in the array of items
		 * (no renderer will be created for the items before this index).
		 * @param {number} count The number of items to use from the array of items, starting
		 * from the fromIndex position
		 * (no renderer will be created for the items that follows).
		 * @param {Object} previousItem The item that precede the first one for which a renderer will be created.
		 * This is only usefull for categorized lists.
		 * @return {DocumentFragment}  A DocumentFragment that contains the renderers.
		 * The startup method of the renderers has not been called at this point.
		 * @private
		_createRenderers: function (items, fromIndex, count, previousItem) {
			var currentIndex = fromIndex,
				currentItem, toIndex = fromIndex + count - 1;
			var documentFragment = this.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
			for (; currentIndex <= toIndex; currentIndex++) {
				currentItem = items[currentIndex];
				if (this._isCategorized()
					&& (!previousItem || currentItem.category !== previousItem.category)) {
				previousItem = currentItem;
			return documentFragment;

		 * Add an item renderer to the List, updating category renderers if needed.
		 * This method calls the startup method on the renderer after it has been
		 * added to the List.
		 * @param {module:deliteful/list/ItemRenderer} The renderer to add to the list.
		 * @param {number} atIndex The index (not counting category renderers) where to add
		 * the item renderer in the list.
		 * @private
		_addItemRenderer: function (renderer, atIndex) {
			var spec = this._getInsertSpec(renderer, atIndex);
			if (spec.nodeRef) {
				this.insertBefore(renderer, spec.nodeRef);
				if (spec.addCategoryAfter) {
					var categoryRenderer = this._createCategoryRenderer(spec.nodeRef.item);
					this.insertBefore(categoryRenderer, spec.nodeRef);
			} else {
			if (spec.addCategoryBefore) {
				categoryRenderer = this._createCategoryRenderer(renderer.item);
				this.insertBefore(categoryRenderer, renderer);

		 * Get a specification for the insertion of an item renderer in the list.
		 * @param {module:deliteful/list/ItemRenderer} renderer The renderer to add to the list.
		 * @param {number} atIndex The index (not counting category renderers) where to add
		 * the item renderer in the list.
		 * @return {Object} an object that contains the following attributes:
		 * - nodeRef: the node before which to insert the item renderer
		 * - addCategoryBefore: true if a category header should be inserted before the item renderer
		 * - addCategoryAfter: true if a category header should be inserted after the item renderer
		 * @private
		_getInsertSpec: function (renderer, atIndex) {
			var result = {nodeRef: atIndex >= 0 ? this.getItemRendererByIndex(atIndex) : null,
						  addCategoryBefore: false,
						  addCategoryAfter: false};
			if (this._isCategorized()) {
				var previousRenderer = result.nodeRef
										? this._getNextRenderer(result.nodeRef, -1)
										: this._getLastRenderer();
				if (!previousRenderer) {
					result.addCategoryBefore = true;
				} else {
					if (!this._sameCategory(renderer, previousRenderer)) {
						if (this.isCategoryRenderer(previousRenderer)) {
							result.nodeRef = previousRenderer;
							previousRenderer = this._getNextRenderer(previousRenderer, -1);
							if (!previousRenderer
								|| (previousRenderer && !this._sameCategory(renderer, previousRenderer))) {
								result.addCategoryBefore = true;
						} else {
							result.addCategoryBefore = true;
				if (result.nodeRef
					&& !this.isCategoryRenderer(result.nodeRef)
					&& !this._sameCategory(result.nodeRef, renderer)) {
					result.addCategoryAfter = true;
			return result;

		/*jshint maxcomplexity:12*/
		 * Removes a renderer from the List, updating category renderers if needed.
		 * @param {module:deliteful/list/Renderer} renderer The renderer to remove from the list.
		 * @param {boolean} keepSelection Set to true if the renderer item should not be removed
		 * from the list of selected items.
		 * @private
		_removeRenderer: function (renderer, keepSelection) {
			if (this._isCategorized() && !this.isCategoryRenderer(renderer)) {
				// remove the previous category header if necessary
				var previousRenderer = this._getNextRenderer(renderer, -1);
				if (previousRenderer && this.isCategoryRenderer(previousRenderer)) {
					var nextRenderer = this._getNextRenderer(renderer, 1);
					if (!nextRenderer || !this._sameCategory(renderer, nextRenderer)) {
			// Update focus if necessary
			if (this._getFocusedRenderer() === renderer) {
				var nextFocusRenderer = this._getNextRenderer(renderer, 1) || this._getNextRenderer(renderer, -1);
				if (nextFocusRenderer) {
			if (!keepSelection && !this.isCategoryRenderer(renderer) && this.isSelected(renderer.item)) {
				// deselect the item before removing the renderer
				this.selectFromEvent(null, renderer.item, renderer, true);
			// remove and destroy the renderer
			if (this._previousFocusedChild && this.getEnclosingRenderer(this._previousFocusedChild) === renderer) {
				this._previousFocusedChild = null;
		/*jshint maxcomplexity:10*/

		 * Creates a renderer instance for an item.
		 * @param {Object} item The item to render.
		 * @returns {module:deliteful/list/ItemRenderer} An instance of item renderer that renders the item.
		 * @private
		_createItemRenderer: function (item) {
			var renderer = new this.itemRenderer({item: item, tabindex: "-1"});
			if (this.selectionMode !== "none") {
				var itemSelected = !!this.isSelected(item);
				renderer.renderNode.setAttribute("aria-selected", itemSelected ? "true" : "false");
				$(renderer).toggleClass(this._cssClasses.selected, itemSelected);
			return renderer;

		 * Creates a category renderer instance for an item.
		 * @param {Object} item The item which category to render.
		 * @returns {module:deliteful/list/CategoryRenderer} An instance of category renderer
		 * that renders the category of the item.
		 * @private
		_createCategoryRenderer: function (item) {
			return new this.categoryRenderer({item: item, tabindex: "-1"});

		 * Returns whether a renderer is a category renderer or not>.
		 * @param {module:deliteful/list/Renderer} renderer The renderer to test.
		 * @return {boolean}
		isCategoryRenderer: function (/*deliteful/list/Renderer*/renderer) {
			return renderer.tagName.toLowerCase() === this.categoryRenderer.tag;

		 * Returns whether two renderers have the same category or not.
		 * @param {module:deliteful/list/Renderer} renderer1 The first renderer.
		 * @param {module:deliteful/list/Renderer} renderer2 The second renderer.
		 * @private
		_sameCategory: function (renderer1, renderer2) {
			return renderer1.item.category === renderer2.item.category;

		 * Returns the renderer that comes immediately after of before another one.
		 * @param {module:deliteful/list/Renderer} renderer The renderer immediately before or after the one to return.
		 * @param {number} dir 1 to return the renderer that comes immediately after renderer, -1 to
		 * return the one that comes immediately before.
		 * @returns {module:deliteful/list/Renderer}
		 * @private
		_getNextRenderer: function (renderer, dir) {
			if (dir >= 0) {
				return renderer.nextElementSibling;
			} else {
				return renderer.previousElementSibling;

		 * Returns the first renderer in the list.
		 * @returns {module:deliteful/list/Renderer}
		 * @private
		_getFirstRenderer: function () {
			return this.querySelector(this.itemRenderer.tag + ", " + this.categoryRenderer.tag);

		 * Returns the last renderer in the list.
		 * @returns {module:deliteful/list/Renderer}
		 * @private
		_getLastRenderer: function () {
			var renderers = this
								.querySelectorAll(this.itemRenderer.tag + ", " + this.categoryRenderer.tag);
			return renderers.length ? renderers.item(renderers.length - 1) : null;

		////////////delite/Store implementation ///////////////////////////////////////

		 * Populate the list using the items retrieved from the store.
		 * @param {Object[]} items items retrieved from the store.
		 * @protected
		 * @fires module:delite/Store#query-success
		initItems: function (items) {
			this._renderNewItems(items, false);
			this._setBusy(false, true);
			this._dataLoaded = true;
			this.emit("query-success", { renderItems: items, cancelable: false, bubbles: true });

		 * Function to call when an item is removed from the store, to update
		 * the content of the list widget accordingly.
		 * @param {number} index The index of the render item to remove.
		 * @param {Object[]} renderItems Ignored by this implementation.
		 * @param {boolean} keepSelection Set to true if the item should not be removed from the list of selected items.
		 * @protected
		itemRemoved: function (index, renderItems, keepSelection) {
			var renderer = this.getItemRendererByIndex(index);
			if (renderer) {
				this._removeRenderer(renderer, keepSelection);

		 * Function to call when an item is added to the store, to update
		 * the content of the list widget accordingly.
		 * @param {number} index The index where to add the render item.
		 * @param {Object} renderItem The render item to be added.
		 * @param {Object[]} renderItems Ignored by this implementation.
		 * @private
		itemAdded: function (index, renderItem, /*jshint unused:vars*/renderItems) {
			var newRenderer = this._createItemRenderer(renderItem);
			this._addItemRenderer(newRenderer, index);

		 * Function to call when an item is updated in the store, to update
		 * the content of the list widget accordingly.
		 * @param {number}  index The index of the render item to update.
		 * @param {Object} renderItem The render item data the render item must be updated with.
		 * @param {Object[]} renderItems Ignored by this implementation.
		 * @protected
		itemUpdated: function (index,  renderItem, /*jshint unused:vars*/renderItems) {
			var renderer = this.getItemRendererByIndex(index);
			if (renderer) {
				renderer.item = renderItem;

		itemMoved: function (previousIndex, newIndex, renderItem, renderItems) {
			// summary:
			//		Function to call when an item is moved in the store, to update
			//		the content of the list widget accordingly.
			// previousIndex: Number
			//		The previous index of the render item.
			// newIndex: Number
			//		The new index of the render item.
			// renderItem: Object
			//		The render item to be moved.
			// renderItems: Array
			//		Ignored by this implementation.
			// tags:
			//		protected
			this.itemRemoved(previousIndex, renderItems, true);
			this.itemAdded(newIndex, renderItem, renderItems);

		//////////// delite/Scrollable extension ///////////////////////////////////////

		 * Returns the distance between the top of a node and 
		 * the top of the scrolling container.
		 * @param {Node} node the node
		 * @protected
		getTopDistance: function (node) {
			// Need to use Math.round for IE
			return Math.round(node.offsetTop - this.getCurrentScroll().y);

		 * Returns the distance between the bottom of a node and
		 * the bottom of the scrolling container.
		 * @param {Node} node the node
		 * @protected
		getBottomDistance: function (node) {
			var clientRect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
			// Need to use Math.round for IE
			return Math.round(node.offsetTop +
				node.offsetHeight -
				this.getCurrentScroll().y -
				(clientRect.bottom -;

		//////////// delite/KeyNav implementation ///////////////////////////////////////
		// Keyboard navigation is based on WAI ARIA Pattern for Grid:

		 * @private
		descendantSelector: function (child) {
			var enclosingRenderer = this.getEnclosingRenderer(child);
			return !enclosingRenderer ||
				(this.getAttribute("role") === "listbox" && this.isCategoryRenderer(enclosingRenderer)) ?
				false :
				$(child).hasClass(this._cssClasses.cell) || child.hasAttribute("navindex");

		 * @method
		 * Handle keydown events
		 * @private
		_keynavKeyDownHandler: dcl.before(function (evt) {
			if (!evt.defaultPrevented) {
				if ((evt.key === "Spacebar" && !this._searchTimer)) {
				} else {
					if (this.getAttribute("role") !== "listbox") {

		focus: function () {
			// Focus the previously focused child of the first visible grid cell
			if (this._previousFocusedChild) {
			} else {
				var cell = this._getFirst();
				if (cell) {
					while (cell) {
						if (this.getTopDistance(cell) >= 0) {
						var nextRenderer = cell.parentNode.nextElementSibling;
						cell = nextRenderer ? nextRenderer.renderNode : null;

		 * @method
		 * Called on "delite-deactivated" event, stores a reference to the focused child.
		 * @private
		_keynavDeactivatedHandler: dcl.superCall(function (sup) {
			return function () {
				this._previousFocusedChild = this.navigatedDescendant;;

		// Page Up/Page down key support
		 * Returns the first cell in the list.
		 * @private
		 * @returns {Element}
		_getFirst: function () {
			var first = this.querySelector("." + this._cssClasses.cell);
			if (first && this.getAttribute("role") === "listbox"
					&& this.isCategoryRenderer(this.getEnclosingRenderer(first))) {
				first = this.getNext(first, 1);
			return first;

		 * Returns the last cell in the list.
		 * @private
		 * @returns {Element}
		_getLast: function () {
			// summary:
			var cells = this.querySelectorAll("." + this._cssClasses.cell);
			var last = cells.length ? cells.item(cells.length - 1) : null;
			if (last && this.getAttribute("role") === "listbox"
					&& this.isCategoryRenderer(this.getEnclosingRenderer(last))) {
				last = this.getNext(last, -1);
			return last;

		// Simple arrow key support.
		downKeyHandler: function (evt) {
			if (this.navigatedDescendant && this.navigatedDescendant.hasAttribute("navindex")) {
			var focusedRenderer = this._getFocusedRenderer();
			var next = null;
			if (focusedRenderer) {
				next = focusedRenderer.nextElementSibling;
				if (next && this.getAttribute("role") === "listbox" && this.isCategoryRenderer(next)) {
					next = next.nextElementSibling;
			this.navigateTo(next ? next.renderNode : this._getFirst(), false, evt);

		upKeyHandler: function (evt) {
			if (this.navigatedDescendant && this.navigatedDescendant.hasAttribute("navindex")) {
			var focusedRenderer = this._getFocusedRenderer();
			var next = null;
			if (focusedRenderer) {
				next = focusedRenderer.previousElementSibling;
				if (next && this.getAttribute("role") === "listbox" && this.isCategoryRenderer(next)) {
					next = next.previousElementSibling;
			this.navigateTo(next ? next.renderNode : this._getLast(), false, evt);

		// Remap Page Up -> Home and Page Down -> End

		pageUpKeyHandler: function (evt) {

		pageDownKeyHandler: function (evt) {

		getNext: function (child, dir) {
			if (child === this) {
				return dir > 0 ? this._getFirst() : this._getLast();

			// Letter key navigation support.
			var renderer = this.getEnclosingRenderer(child);
			return dir > 0 ? renderer.nextElementSibling ? renderer.nextElementSibling.renderNode : this._getFirst() :
				renderer.previousElementSibling ? renderer.previousElementSibling.renderNode : this._getLast();

		//////////// Extra methods for Keyboard navigation ///////////////////////////////////////

		 * Handles SPACE key keydown event
		 * @param {Event} evt the keydown event
		 * @private
		_spaceKeydownHandler: function (evt) {
			if (this.selectionMode !== "none") {
				if (this.handleSelection(evt)) {
				} // else do not prevent-default, for the sake of use-cases
				// such as Combobox where the target of the key event is an
				// input element outside the List. In this use-case, delite/HasDropDown
				// forwards "keydown" events to the List instance and prevent-defaults
				// the event if any key handler prevent-defaults the event, which would
				// forbid the user from entering space characters in the input element.

		/*jshint maxcomplexity:13*/
		 * Handles keydown events for the aria role grid
		 * @param {Event} evt the keydown event
		 * @private
		_gridKeydownHandler: function (evt) {
			if (evt.key === "Enter" || evt.key === "F2") {
				if (this.navigatedDescendant && !this.navigatedDescendant.hasAttribute("navindex")) {
					// Enter Actionable Mode
					// TODO: prevent default ONLY IF autoAction is false on the renderer ?
					// See
			} else if (evt.key === "Tab") {
				if (this.navigatedDescendant && this.navigatedDescendant.hasAttribute("navindex")) {
					// We are in Actionable mode
					var renderer = this._getFocusedRenderer();
					var next = renderer[evt.shiftKey ? "getPrev" : "getNext"](this.navigatedDescendant);
					while (!next) {
						renderer = renderer[evt.shiftKey ? "previousElementSibling" : "nextElementSibling"]
							|| this[evt.shiftKey ? "_getLast" : "_getFirst"]().parentNode;
						next = renderer[evt.shiftKey ? "getLast" : "getFirst"]();
			} else if (evt.key === "Esc") {
				// Leave Actionable mode
		/*jshint maxcomplexity:10*/

		 * @private
		_enterActionableMode: function () {
			var focusedRenderer = this._getFocusedRenderer();
			if (focusedRenderer) {
				var next = focusedRenderer.getFirst();
				if (next) {

		 * @private
		_leaveActionableMode: function () {

		 * Returns the renderer that currently has the focused or is
		 * an ancestor of the focused node.
		 * @return {module:deliteful/list/Renderer}
		 * @private
		_getFocusedRenderer: function () {
			return this.navigatedDescendant ? this.getEnclosingRenderer(this.navigatedDescendant) : null;
