Getting started with delite

Get started on building a UI element with delite

Start building your own delite element using delite element generator

Start with installing Node.js, then you are ready to install Yeoman scaffolder and our delite generator.
$ npm install -g yo
$ npm install -g generator-delite-element
Just ask Yeoman to scaffold a new element in your package directory by answering a simple set of questions.
$ mkdir -p custom 
$ cd custom		
$ yo delite-element
Once your component has been generated you can run a generated sample using it.
$ open http://localhost/custom/samples/CustomElement.html
The default scaffolded element is just a skeleton you are willing to hack on.
$ vi CustomElement.js
Alternatively you could have directly installed delite and build your element from scratch instead of using Yeoman.
$ npm install -g bower
$ bower install delite
$ mkdir -p custom && cd $_
$ vi CustomElement.js
Don't hesitate to checkout the documentation to go further. Once you have created your own element you might want to mix it with other existing elements from deliteful and build your application from there.
$ npm install generator-deliteful-app
$ yo deliteful-app