
Observable (now moved to decor project) is an object working as a shim of ES7 Object.observe(). Observable has .set() method for automatic emission of change record, and static Observable.observe() method to observe for that, for example:

Similar to ES7 Object.observe(), change records are delivered in batch at end of micro-task. In above example, you'll see that change to foo property and change to bar properties are notified in a single callback, in a format of array. The format of change records is compatible with ES7 Object.observe().

Under the hood, Observable.observe() directly uses ES7 Object.observe() if it's available natively in browser.

Synchronous delivery of change record

There are some cases you want to deliver change records immediately, instead of waiting for end of micro-task. For that purpose, you can use Observable.deliverChangeRecord() that synchronously delivers change records that are queued for callback. Here's an example:

Manual emission of change record

Similar to Object.observe(), .set() won't automatically emit a change record if:

In such conditions, you can manually emit a change record (and queue it for delivery) by Observable.getNotifier(observable).notify(changeRecord) method, which is what .set() calls under the hood. Here's an example:


ObservableArray is an object that extends native JavaScript array, and works as a shim of ES7 Array.observe(). Like Observable, ObserableArray has .set() method for automatic emission of change record, and static ObservableArray.observe() method to observe for that. Here's an example:

In addition to .set(), the following methods automatically emit change records, too:

Here's an example with .splice():

Under the hood, ObservableArray.observe() uses ES7 Array.observe() if it's available natively in browser.

Change record translation and ES7 Array.observe() compatibility

With ObservableArray.observe(), change records are translated to a synthetic version representing array splice where applicable. It makes ObservableArray.observe() compatible to ES7 Array.observe() except the following conditions:

Synchronous delivery of change record

There are some cases you want to deliver change records immediately, instead of waiting for end of micro-task. For that purpose, you can use .deliver() method of the return value of ObservableArray.observe(). Here's an example:

This is different from Observable.deliverChangeRecords() explained in Observable section; As explained above, ObservableArray.observe() attemps to merge change records of splice if any of them are adjacent or intersect. To do that, ObservableArray.observe() calls Array.observe() or Observable.observe() (depending on whether Array.observe() is availble native in browser) with its own callback, instead of the callback given to ObservableArray.observe().

Explicit way of emitting change records

liaison takes an approach where you make an explicit API call to emit change records of an object or an array for observation. With this approach, the underlying system doesn't need to do a heavylifting to compare old/new values of all object properties observed in your application, which becomes non-trivial for bigger-scale applications.

For example,

observable.set("foo", "FooValue1")

explicitly emits a change record of observable object for observation. If it were observable.foo = "FooValue1" change record would not be emitted and thus observation callback would't be called (unless ES7 Object.observe() is availble in your browser).

Similar for value assignment to array by index, call

observableArray.set(n, "ValueForObservableArrayN")

to explicitly emit change records of observableArray for observation. If it were observableArray[n] = "ValueForObservableArrayN" change records would not be emitted and thus observation callback won't be called (unless ES7 Array.observe() is availble in your browser).

Here is the list of the APIs you can use to explicitly emit change records: