
The deliteful/Slider widget allows selecting one value or a pair of values, from a range delimited by a minimum and a maximum value. Slider can be oriented vertically or horizontally.

Slider Bootstrap

The selected value depends on the position of the handle and the step, which specifies the value granularity. The position of the minimum and maximum depends on the text direction, and can be forced using the flip property.

Handles can be moved using pointers (mouse, touch) or keys (up, down, home or end).

A change event is fired after the user selects a new value, either by releasing a pointer, or by pressing a selection key. Before a change event, input events are fired while the user moves the Slider handle.

The Slider Widget supports ARIA attributes aria-valuemin, aria-valuemax, aria-valuenow and aria-orientation.

Most of the Slider behavior (default values, out of bound values reconciliations...) is similar to the HTML5.1 input type=range element, but it doesn't strictly conform to the specification, in particular for: - the multiple attribute (single/range Slider is directly determined from the content of the value property) - the datalist attribute (see

Like the native input type=range element, this widget can be used in a form.

Table of Contents

Element Instantiation
Element Configuration
Element Styling
Element Events
Enterprise Use
See also

Element Instantiation

See delite/Widget for full details on how instantiation lifecycle is working.

Declarative Instantiation

  <d-slider value="12,32"></d-slider>

You can also specify the initial value in an input element:

    <input value="32">
    <input value="24,32">

That way you allow Slider to benefit from the browser capability to track the value when user select back/forward buttons.

Programmatic Instantiation

  ], function (Slider) {
    var slider = new Slider({value:10, step:5, min:10, max:50});

Element Configuration

Using value, min, max and step properties

min (default=0) and max (default=100) allow to set the minimum and maximum boundaries of the allowed range of values.

step (default=1) specifies the value granularity. It causes the slider handle to snap/jump to the closest possible value.

value, min, max and step properties must be valid floating-point numbers. Any other value is defaulted according to the HTML 5.1 specification. value accept two values separated by a comma.

Selecting or sliding a range of values

When value contains two values separated by a comma, the Slider displays two handles. slideRange (default=true) allow sliding the area between the handles to change both values at the same time.

When slideRange=false, pointing the area between the handles cause the closest handle to move at the pointer position (Thus, changing only one value).

Slider direction and orientation

Default Slider orientation is horizontal. The vertical property (default=false) allow setting the vertical orientation.

The Slider direction follows the language direction: with RTL languages the min is placed on the right. You may force the orientation using the flip property (default=false).

Element Styling

Supported themes

This widget provides default styling for the following delite themes:

CSS Classes

Style is defined by the CSS classes from the themes of the widget. CSS classes are bound to the structure of the widget declared in its template deliteful/Slider/Slider.html

class name applies to
d-slider the Slider widget node
d-slider-container the container node, which represents the full length of slider progress bar.
d-slider-progress-bar the progress bar node which represent the range between min and value or the range between
both values in the case of a range Slider
d-slider-handle slider handle(s)
d-slider-handle-max the handle which represent the selected value (or the larger of the two values)
d-slider-handle-min the handle which represent the smaller of the two values in the case of a range Slider

There are other classes prefixed by d-slider, but they aren't meant to be overridden by the application.

Customizing the colors

Customizing the size

TODO + jsfiddle

The thick padding around the component helps the user interact with it on a touch screen. For desktop, you might want to have a slimmer padding. You can change it thanks to the LESS variable @d-slider-halo-size (or alternatively directly reduce the d-switch element padding).

User Interactions

The value of the Slider can be changed by:


No Mixin is currently provided for this widget.

Element Events

Enterprise Use


The Slider supports WAI-ARIA role slider and ARIA attributes aria-valuemin, aria-valuemax, aria-valuenow and aria-orientation on handle nodes.

type status comment
Keyboard ok when handle has focus: arrow left, arrow right or arrow up, arrow down and home, end keys
Visual Formatting ok Support high contrast on Firefox and Internet Explorer desktop browsers.

Browser Support

This widget supports all supported browsers without any degraded behavior.

See also
