
The deliteful/RadioButton widget represents a 2-state widget similar to the HMTL5 input type="radio" element. Contrary to other checkbox widgets like deliteful/Checkbox or deliteful/Switch, a RadioButton is usually used with other RadioButton widgets to form a group of exclusive options. Only one RadioButton can be checked at a time within a group.

Example of RadioButton widgets

RadioButton (Bootstrap)

Table of Contents

Element Instantiation
Element Configuration
Element Styling
Element Events
Enterprise Use
See also

Element Instantiation

See delite/Widget for full details on how instantiation lifecycle is working.

Declarative Instantiation

    <d-radio-button checked="true" name="category" value="SUV"></d-radio-button>
    <d-radio-button name="category" value="Sport"></d-radio-button>
    <d-radio-button name="category" value="Executive"></d-radio-button>

Check the following jsfiddle example:

Programmatic Instantiation

  ], function (RadioButton) {
     var sw = new RadioButton({checked:true, name: "category", value: "SUV"});
     sw = new RadioButton({name: "category", value: "Sport"});
     sw = new RadioButton({name: "category", value: "Executive"});

Element Configuration

A RadioButton widget is used in relation with other RadioButton widgets to form a group of exclusive choices. A radio button group is defined as a logical group of RadioButton widgets that share the same name attribute value. When a form is submitted, only the value of the checked RadioButton is submitted.

The state of a RadioButton widget (checked or unchecked) is defined by the checked property, inherited from the deliteful/Toggle class. There can be only one RadioButton checked within a radio button group.

In addition, the Switch widget supports the following form-related properties of an HTML5 input element of type "checkbox": name, value, disabled and alt, inherited from delite/FormWidget.

Element Styling

Supported themes

This widget provides default styling for the following delite themes:

CSS Classes

CSS classes are bound to the structure of the widget declared in its template deliteful/RadioButton/RadioButton.html. The following table lists all the CSS classes that can be used to style the widget.

class name/selector applies to
d-radio-button RadioButton widget node
d-radio-button::before RadioButton "reticule"

In addition, the following classes are used in combination with the classes above:

class name/selector applies to
d-checked RadioButton widget node in checked state
d-focused RadioButton widget node in focus state

Element Events

The widget deliteful/RadioButton emits a change event when its checked state is changed following a user interaction.

event name dispatched cancelable bubbles properties
change on state change No Yes standard HTML5 Event properties

Enterprise Use


type status comment
Keyboard N/A No user interaction
Visual Formatting ok Support high contrast on Firefox and Internet Explorer desktop browsers.
Screen Reader yes Supports ARIA role radio. Tested with JAWS and VoiceOver


deliteful/RadioButton does not provide any internationalizable bundle.

Browser Support

This widget supports all supported browsers without any degraded behavior.


This class has no specific security concern.

See also
