
The deliteful/Checkbox widget represents a form-aware 2-state widget similar to the HTML5 input type="checkbox" element. It provides all the standard facilities of a native input and supports deliteful theming capability.


Checkbox (Bootstrap)

Table of Contents

Element Instantiation
Element Configuration
Element Styling
Element Events
Enterprise Use
See also

Element Instantiation

See delite/Widget for full details on how instantiation lifecycle is working.

Declarative Instantiation

    <d-checkbox name="option1" checked="true"></d-checkbox>
    Option 1
    <d-checkbox name="option2"></d-checkbox>
    Option 2
    <d-checkbox disabled="true" name="option3"></d-checkbox>
    Option 3

Programmatic Instantiation

  ], function (Checkbox) {
     var cb = new Checkbox({checked:true});
     cb = new Checkbox({disabled:true, name: "option1"});

Element Configuration

The state of a Checkbox widget (checked or unchecked) is defined by the checked property, inherited from the deliteful/Toggle class.

In addition, the Checkbox widget supports the following form-related properties of an HTML5 input element of type "checkbox": name, value, disabled and alt, inherited from delite/FormWidget.

Element Styling

Supported themes

This widget provides default styling for the following delite themes:

CSS Classes

CSS classes are bound to the structure of the widget declared in its template deliteful/Checkbox/Checkbox.html. The following table lists all the CSS classes that can be used to style the checkbox.

class name/selector applies to
d-checkbox Checkbox widget node
d-checkbox::before Checkmark node

In addition, the following classes are used in combination with the classes above:

class name/selector applies to
d-checked Checkbox and checkmark nodes in checked state
d-focused Checkbox widget node in focus state
d-disabled Checkbox and checkmark nodes in disabled state
d-rtl Checkbox and checkmark nodes in right-to-left configuration

Element Events

The widget deliteful/Checkbox provides a change event when its state is changed following a user interaction.

event name dispatched cancelable bubbles properties
change on state change No Yes standard HTML5 Event propeties

Enterprise Use


type status comment
Keyboard yes Value is toggled when the space bar is pressed.
Visual Formatting ok Support high contrast on Firefox and Internet Explorer desktop browsers.
Screen Reader yes Tested with JAWS and VoiceOver

Browser Support

This widget supports all supported browsers without any degraded behavior.

See also
