Setup a project using delite

The various delite modules can be consumed from two forms:

In order to install the built form:

bower install delite-build

Similarly, for the source form:

bower install delite

Both commands will install delite and its dependencies in a bower_components directory. You might want to additionally use the --production in order to avoid installing dependencies only needed by tests or for debugging.

Using the source form is as simple as requiring the needed AMD modules using RequireJS:

   baseUrl: "bower_components"
require(["delite/register"], function (register) {
   register("my-element", [HTMLElement, Widget], {    

In order to consume the built form you first need to load the corresponding layer and then the AMD modules as follows:

    baseUrl: "bower_components"
 require(["delite/layer"], function() {
   require(["delite/register"], function (register) {

When using the source form (or the built form if needed), you can build your resulting application using the grunt-amd-build project.

Alternatively you can use the delite Yeoman generator to setup the project structure.