
delite/Store is a mixin that can be mixed into a class inheriting from delite/Widget or decor/Evented in order to query a store object from the dstore project or an array and create render items for this widget based on the store or the array items.

This is particularly useful for a widget that needs to create items (or render items) based on store entries (like a data list, grid or calendar schedule etc...). Using this mixin the widget will benefit from a standard API and way of doing things.

The store is queried each time one of the following properties is set on the instance:

Create render items from the source items

When the source is queried, render items are created using the itemToRenderItem() function which by default just returns the source item. Render items are typically used in widgets rendering several "data items" (arbitrary number of items connected to data) to specify how those "data items" have to be rendered. This means the render items are used as input for the various "data items" rendered in the widget. Depending on the targeted widget, render items expect several properties to be present like a label, an icon etc. Classes using the mixin might override itemToRenderItem() to create their own render items.

For example the source item (typically coming from a data server) might contain:

    lastName: "Smith"
    firstName: "John",
    department: "marketing",
    title: "head of department",
    jobDescription: "in charge of defining the marketing strategy for the company"

while the widget render item requires and contains exactly what the widget needs to consume, in this case for example:

    name: "John Smith"
    jobtitle: "head of department"

The itemToRenderItem() function is in charge of doing that transformation. Alternatively one can use the delite/StoreMap mixin which adds mapping functionality to the store mixin and automatically creates the render items using this mapping.

Once created the render items array is passed into the initItems() function and by default store in the renderItems property.


In addition to this, the source can be observable. There are various possibilities to make the source observable.

Observable source with dstore/Trackable in source property

The first one is to use a dstore/Trackable in the source. By using that, the changes to the data in the source will be tracked and the following functions will be called on each type of modification:

By default those functions update the renderItems accordingly.

Observable source with an array in source property

The way to make the source observable with an array is to use a observable array with observable objects as items in the source. If the browser used has implemented the Array.observe() and the Object.observe() function of EC7, then the array is automatically observable and the items too. If not, the solution is to implement the array with decor/ObservableArray and the items with decor/Observable.

By using that, the changes to the data in the source will be tracked and the following functions will be called on each type of modification:

Note : For browsers without implementation of the observe function : if the source is a decor/ObservableArray but is not using decor/Observable objects as item, the function itemUpdated will not be called, but itemAdded and itemRemoved will. Inversely if the source is a simple array but using decor/Observable objects, only the function itemUpdated will be called.

By default those functions update the renderItems accordingly.

Leveraging the work of delite/Store

Classes extending the mixin have two ways of leveraging the work of delite/Store. They can either listen to the changes to the renderItems property or redefine the various functions of the mixin to be notified of changes made to the render items.

Listening to changes of renderItems is best done via the refreshRendering() method:

define(["delite/register", "delite/Widget", "delite/Store"/*, ...*/], 
  function (register, Widget, Store/*, ...*/) {
  return register("employees-list", [HTMElement, Widget, Store], {
    itemToRenderItem: function (item) {
       return {
         name: item.firstName + " " + item.lastName,
         jobtitle: item.title
    refreshRendering: function (props) {
       if ("renderItem" in props) {
         // render item has changed, do something to reflect that in the rendering by adding for example
         // a DOM element per item using the properties on the render item 