
delite/handlebars supports reactive templates, so a template like below would automatically adjust the DOM as the widget's iconClass and label properties were changed:

    <span class="d-reset {{iconClass}}"></span>

Note that the binding is one-directional. Changes to DOM node values, such as when a user types into an <input>, are not automatically reflected back to the widget. A library like Liaison supports two way binding.

The delite/handlebars! plugin lets you put your template in a separate file, and then define the widget like:

define([..., "delite/handlebars!./templates/MyTemplate.html"], function(..., template){
    template: template,

Internally, delite/handlebars! compiles the template into an AST format and then uses delite/Template to generate the final template object that it returns.


Widgets can contains expressions surrounded by the {{ and }} symbols. Expressions can be either:

Bindings are supported in attributes (ex: class="d-reset {{iconClass}}") and as Element children (ex: <span>Hello {{name}}</span>).

Bindings should evaluate to plain text (or a boolean or number), but not HTML. Special characters are escaped. For example, if name is <b>Bob</b>, the above template will merely render as Hello <b>Bob</b> not as "Hello Bob".

Binding paths

Paths like {{}} can be used in templates, but have limitations:

  1. If a property inside of foo is modified, the application needs to call this.notifyCurrentValue("foo") manually to make the widget re-render.
  2. When a top level property (foo) is updated, any part of the template referencing foo (for example, {{}}) will cause a DOM update, even if the value of itself hasn't changed. This may cause unnecessary browser redraw/recalculation, for example due to unnecessarily resetting a node's class.
  3. If the last property in a path is undefined or null, an empty string is substituted. For example, if is undefined, then class="{{}}" becomes class="". However, this doesn't work if a parent property is null/undefined, i.e. if is undefined.

Binding expressions

Expressions are meant for simple calculations inside of templates. For more complex calculations, we recommend using computeProperties() to define new widget properties instead. Expressions must be valid javascript, using the this variable, and quoting strings. The expression must evaluate to a string, number, or boolean value. Some examples are:

Finally, here's an example of a template using simple widget property bindings, path bindings, and an expression:

{{a}} + {{item.b}} = {{this.a + this.item.b}}

Binding details

Handlebars aims to transparently do the right thing to make binding work automatically. For example, if a template contains <input type=checkbox checked={{checked}}>, handlebars (or actually Template) knows to set the checked property rather than setting the checked attribute, since the latter action doesn't actually change the checked state.

More generally, handlebars directly sets the shadow property rather than the attribute whenever a shadow property exists.

In cases where there is no shadow property, handlebars converts the value to a string. For example, in a template with <div aria-selected={{selected}}>, the aria-selected property will be set to the string "true" or "false". This assumes (i.e. requires) that the selected property in the widget is a strict boolean value, rather than a falsy value like "" or a true-ish value like "hi".

About undefined substitution variables, imagine that all the bind variables in the following example are undefined:

<span class={{myClass}} aria-valuenow={{myValue}}>{{myText}}</span>

For the class attribute and innerHTML, undefined variables are treated like empty strings. However, for other attributes, undefined is a special flag meaning to remove the attribute. This is necessary especially for ARIA support, where (for example) aria-valuenow="" has a different meaning that having no aria-valuenow attribute at all. See the ARIA spec for more details.

So, if all the bind variables in the above example are undefined, it will essentially be rendered as:

<span class=""></span>

Widgets in templates

A template can contain widgets in addition to plain DOM nodes. In this case, the template must list the required AMD modules via the requires attribute on the root node:

<template requires="deliteful/Button, deliteful/ProgressIndicator">
    <d-progress-indicator value="{{piValue}}"></d-progress-indicator>

This technique can also be used to load other required modules, such as delite/a11yclick.

Hiding and showing nodes in a template

Although we don't support {{#if}}, you can show/hide nodes in a template like:

    <div d-hidden="{{myHideFlag}}">...</div>
    <div d-shown="{{myShowFlag}}">...</div>

Note that this requires including the common CSS defined by the themes (coming from themes/common/global.less), so your widget must reference the delite/theme! plugin:

define([..., "delite/theme!"], function(...) { ...

Attach points and events

Special attribute names allow setting up references to nodes in the template, and setting up event handlers on those nodes.

A template like:

    <button attach-point="{{focusNode}}" on-click="{{clickHandler}}">click me</button>

will set this.focusNode to point to the <button>, and setup a listener for the "click" event to call this.clickHandler.

Unsupported constructs

  1. Helpers like {{fullName author}}, although you could call {{this.fullName(}}
  2. {{#if}} and {{#each}}, although see section above about hiding and showing nodes.

Partly these are unsupported because they are difficult for reactive templates, and partly to keep the code size of the Handlebars and template engine minimal.