
Decor/Destroyable is used to track handles of an instance, and then release/destroy them when the instance is destroyed. Handles are registered via the own() method. The application must call destroy() on the instance in order to release the handles.

Destroyable is one of the superclasses of delite/Widget.

Handles passed to own()

own()'s arguments can be either Promises with cancel() methods, or any handles with destroy() or remove() methods.


var DestroyableSubClass = dcl(Destroyable, {
    constructor: function(aStatefulObject, aPromise){
        var d = new Deferred();

            // observe changes to aStatefulObject (automatically stop observing when I'm destroyed)
            aStatefulObject.observe("x", function(oldVals){ ... }),

            // create a supporting (internal) widget, to be destroyed when I'm destroyed
            new MySupportingWidget(...),

            // execute code when promise completes, but cancel promise if I am destroyed
