
The dcolor/ExtendedColor module provides a unified way to store color components and convert back and forth between color string representations and the ExtendedColor object. It holds the components in rgba form. It extends the dcolor/Color object with support for more "named" colors. It behaves entirely as the object it extends.

Before proceeding checkout setup page on how to setup a project using dcolor. This will be required to leverage the samples from this page.

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You can create a ExtendedColor object from a variety of inputs, including CSS string representations of the color as well as [r, b, g] or [r, g, b, a] arrays.

require(["dcolor/Color"], function (Color) {
  // from a CSS string
  var color1 = new Color("azure");
  var color3 = new Color("beige");

The recognized "named" colors (like "azure") is the 16 colors list from CSS3 Basic color keywords list as well as the CSS3 Extended color keywords list also known as SVG color plus the "transparent" keyword.

Checkout dcolor/Color documentation for more details on using ExtendedColor object.