Source: d:/Users/cjolif/sdk/sdk-utils/deliteful/SidePane.js

/** @module deliteful/SidePane */
	function (dcl, pointer, domClass, has, register, DisplayContainer, Deferred) {
		function prefix(v) {
			return "-d-side-pane-" + v;
		function setVisibility(node, val) {
			if (val) { = "visible"; = "block";
			} else { = "hidden"; = "none";
		function getNextSibling(node) {
			do {
				node = node.nextElementSibling;
			} while (node && node.nodeType !== 1);
			return node;
		 * A widget displayed on the side of the screen.
		 * It can be displayed on top of the page
		 * (mode=overlay) or can push the content of the page (mode=push or mode=reveal).
		 * SidePane is a widget hidden by default.
		 * This widget must be a sibling of html's body element.
		 * If mode is set to "push" or "reveal", the width of the SidePane can't be changed in the markup
		 * (15em by default).
		 * However it can be changed in SidePane.less (@PANE_WIDTH variable).
		 * In "push" and "reveal" mode, the pushed element is the first sibling of the SidePane which has
		 * of type element (nodeType == 1) and not a SidePane.
		 * @example
		 * <body>
		 *   <d-side-pane>
		 *       SidePane content
		 *   </d-side-pane>
		 *   <div>
		 *       Main application
		 *   </div>
		 * </body>
		 * @class module:deliteful/SidePane
		 * @augments module:delite/DisplayContainer
		return register("d-side-pane", [HTMLElement, DisplayContainer],
			/** @lends module:deliteful/SidePane#*/ {
			 * The name of the CSS class of this widget.
			 * @member {string}
			 * @default "d-side-pane"
			baseClass: "d-side-pane",

			 * Can be "overlay", "reveal" or "push".
			 * In overlay mode, the pane is shown on top of the page.
			 * In reveal and push modes, The page is moved to make the pane visible. The difference between
			 * these two modes is the animated transition: in reveal mode, the pane does not move, it is
			 * already under the page. In push mode, the pane slide with the page.
			 * @member {string}
			 * @default "push"
			mode: "push",

			 * Can be "start" or "end". If set to "start", the panel is displayed on the
			 * left side in LTR mode.
			 * @member {string}
			 * @default "push"
			position: "start",

			 * Enable/Disable animations.
			 * @member {boolean}
			 * @default true
			animate: true,

			 * Enables the swipe closing of the pane.
			 * @member {boolean}
			 * @default true
			swipeClosing: true,

			_transitionTiming: {default: 0, chrome: 50, ios: 20, android: 100, mozilla: 100},
			_timing: 0,
			_visible: false,
			_opening: false,
			_originX: NaN,
			_originY: NaN,

			show: dcl.superCall(function (sup) {
				return function () {
					if (arguments.length > 0) {
						return sup.apply(this, arguments).then(function (value) {
							return this._open().then(function () {
								return value;
					} else {
						return this._open();

			hide: dcl.superCall(function (sup) {
				return function () {
					if (arguments.length > 0) {
						return sup.apply(this, arguments).then(function (value) {
							return this._close().then(function () {
								return value;
					} else {
						return this._close();
			 * This method is called to toggle the visibility of the SidePane.
			 * @returns {Promise} A promise that will be resolved when the display & transition effect will have been
			 * performed.
			toggle: function () {
				return this._visible ? this.hide() :;

			 * Open the pane.
			 * @private
			_open: function () {
				var deferred = new Deferred();
				var nextElement = getNextSibling(this);
				if (!this._visible) {
					if (this.animate) {
						domClass.add(this, prefix("animate"));
						if (nextElement) {
							domClass.add(nextElement, prefix("animate"));

					if (this.mode === "reveal") {
						if (nextElement) {
							this._setAfterTransitionHandlers(nextElement, {node: nextElement}, deferred);
					} else {
						this._setAfterTransitionHandlers(this, {node: this}, deferred);

					setVisibility(this, true);

					if (this.animate) {
						this.defer(this._openImpl, this._timing);
					} else {
						this.defer(function () {deferred.resolve(); }, this._timing);
				} else {
				return deferred.promise;

			 * Close the pane.
			 * @private
			_close: function () {
				var deferred = new Deferred();
				if (this._visible) {
					if (this.mode === "reveal") {
						var nextElement = getNextSibling(this);
						if (nextElement) {
							this._setAfterTransitionHandlers(nextElement, {node: nextElement}, deferred);
					} else {
						this._setAfterTransitionHandlers(this, {node: this}, deferred);

					if (this.animate) {
						// This defer should be useless but is needed for Firefox, see #25
						this.defer(function () {this._hideImpl(); }, this._timing);
					} else {
						setVisibility(this, false);
				} else {
				return deferred.promise;

			_setAfterTransitionHandlers: function (node, event, deferred) {
				var self = this, endProps = {
					node: node,
					handle: function () { self._afterTransitionHandle(endProps); },
					props: event,
					deferred: deferred
				node.addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", endProps.handle);
				node.addEventListener("transitionend", endProps.handle); // IE10 + FF

			_afterTransitionHandle: function (item) {
				domClass.remove(this, prefix("under"));
				if (!this._visible) {
					setVisibility(this, false);
				item.node.removeEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", item.handle);
				item.node.removeEventListener("transitionend", item.handle);

			postCreate: function () {
				setVisibility(this, false);

				// trigger refreshRendering() to run and apply mode & position even if they are the default values

			preCreate: function () {
				this._transitionTiming = {default: 0, chrome: 20, ios: 20, android: 100, mozilla: 100};
				for (var o in this._transitionTiming) {
					if (has(o) && this._timing < this._transitionTiming[o]) {
						this._timing = this._transitionTiming[o];

			buildRendering: function () {
				pointer.setTouchAction(this, "none");

			_refreshMode: function (nextElement) {
				domClass.remove(this, [prefix("push"), prefix("overlay"), prefix("reveal")]);
				domClass.add(this, prefix(this.mode));

				if (nextElement && this._visible) {
					domClass.toggle(nextElement, prefix("translated"), this.mode !== "overlay");

				if (this.mode === "reveal" && !this._visible) {
					// Needed by FF only for the first opening.
					domClass.remove(this, prefix("ontop"));
					domClass.add(this, prefix("under"));
				else if (this.mode === "overlay") {
					domClass.remove(this, prefix("under"));
					domClass.add(this, prefix("ontop"));
				} else {
					domClass.remove(this, [prefix("under"), prefix("ontop")]);

			_refreshPosition: function (nextElement) {
				domClass.remove(this, [prefix("start"), prefix("end")]);
				domClass.add(this, prefix(this.position));
				if (nextElement && this._visible) {
					domClass.remove(nextElement, [prefix("start"), prefix("end")]);
					domClass.add(nextElement, prefix(this.position));

			refreshRendering: function (props) { = "hidden";
				if (!("mode" in props || "position" in props || "animate" in props)) {
				var nextElement = getNextSibling(this);

				// Always remove animation during a refresh. Avoid to see the pane moving on mode changes.
				// Not very reliable on IE11.
				domClass.remove(this, prefix("animate"));

				if (nextElement) {
					domClass.remove(nextElement, prefix("animate"));
					if (!this.isLeftToRight()) {
						domClass.add(nextElement, "d-rtl");
					else {
						domClass.remove(nextElement, "d-rtl");

				if ("mode" in props) {

				if ("position" in props) {

				domClass.toggle(this, prefix("hidden"), !this._visible);
				domClass.toggle(this, prefix("visible"), this._visible);

				// Re-enable animation
				if (this.animate) {
					this.defer(function () {
						domClass.add(this, prefix("animate"));
						if (nextElement) {
							domClass.add(nextElement, prefix("animate"));
					}, this._timing);

			_openImpl: function () {
				if (!this._visible) {
					this._visible = true;
					domClass.remove(this, prefix("hidden"));
					domClass.add(this, prefix("visible"));

					if (this.mode === "push" || this.mode === "reveal") {
						var nextElement = getNextSibling(this);
						if (nextElement) {
							domClass.remove(nextElement, [prefix("nottranslated"), prefix("start"), prefix("end")]);
							domClass.add(nextElement, [prefix(this.position), prefix("translated")]);

			_hideImpl: function () {
				if (this._visible) {
					this._visible = false;
					this._opening = false;
					domClass.remove(this.ownerDocument.body, prefix("no-select"));
					domClass.remove(this, prefix("visible"));
					domClass.add(this, prefix("hidden"));
					if (this.mode === "push" || this.mode === "reveal") {
						var nextElement = getNextSibling(this);
						if (nextElement) {
							domClass.remove(nextElement, [prefix("translated"), prefix("start"), prefix("end")]);
							domClass.add(nextElement, [prefix(this.position), prefix("nottranslated")]);

			_isLeft: function () {
				return (this.position === "start" && this.isLeftToRight()) ||
					(this.position === "end" && !this.isLeftToRight());

			_pointerDownHandler: function (event) {
				this._originX = event.pageX;
				this._originY = event.pageY;

				if (this._visible || (this._isLeft() && !this._visible && this._originX <= 10) ||
					(!this._isLeft() && !this._visible && this._originX >= this.ownerDocument.width - 10)) {
					this._opening = !this._visible;
					this._moveHandle = this.on("pointermove", this._pointerMoveHandler.bind(this));
					this._releaseHandle = this.on("pointerup", this._pointerUpHandler.bind(this));

					domClass.add(this.ownerDocument.body, prefix("no-select"));

			_pointerMoveHandler: function (event) {
				if (!this._opening && Math.abs(event.pageY - this._originY) > 10) {
				} else {
					var pos = event.pageX;

					if (this._isLeft()) {
						if (this._visible) {
							if (this._originX < pos) {
								this._originX = pos;

							if ((this.swipeClosing && this._originX - pos) > 10) {
								this._originX = pos;
					} else {
						if (this._visible) {
							if (this._originX > pos) {
								this._originX = pos;
							if ((this.swipeClosing && pos - this._originX) > 10) {
								this._originX = pos;

			_pointerUpHandler: function () {
				this._opening = false;
				domClass.remove(this.ownerDocument.body, prefix("no-select"));

			_resetInteractions: function () {
				if (this._releaseHandle) {
				if (this._moveHandle) {
				if (this._pressHandle) {

				if (this.swipeClosing) {
					this._pressHandle = this.on("pointerdown", this._pointerDownHandler.bind(this));

				this._originX = NaN;
				this._originY = NaN;